Patient Privacy Collection Notice

Last updated 21 August 2023

Flavour Creations Pty Ltd ABN 73 078 198 320 is committed to managing personal information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). This privacy collection notice explains how we manage your personal in the context of the Flavour Creations at Home Program (the Program). For information about our general privacy collection practices, please refer to our Privacy Policy.

If you are a carer, parent or guardian of a patient who is participating in the Program you warrant that you have the consent of that person or otherwise are authorised to consent to Flavour Creations using, disclosing and storing the patient’s personal information in accordance with this Collection Notice.

In this Collection Notice, “we” and “us” refers to Flavour Creations and “you” refers to any patient that we collect personal information about as part of the Program.

We will review this Patient Privacy Collection Statement regularly to ensure it remains aligned with the Program and we may update it from time to time. We recommend that you visit our website regularly to keep up to date with any changes. You may choose not to provide personal information however it may mean that you are unable to take part in the Program.

What information do we collect?

You understand that as part of the Program, we will collect information about you from you, and from people who interact with the Flavour Creations At Home website and underlying database. This may include your healthcare professional and associated hospital or facility, and where applicable your carer or guardian. The personal information that we collect will include:

We will also be collecting health information about you. This may include:

How do we use the information about you?

We will use the information that we collect about you for the purpose of:

We may also use your deidentified personal information on an aggregated basis for the purposes of internal training, market research, marketing planning, analysis, profiling and statistics.

Who do we provide your information to?

Your personal information will be stored securely in the Flavour Creations At Home website and Flavour Creations databases with appropriate electronic security features to safeguard and secure your information. All data is stored on a server which is located in Australia.

The information held by Flavour Creations can be accessed by healthcare professionals and the administrative contact assigned to the associated Institution (hospital or healthcare facility/service) linked to your account. We may also provide information to your nominated carer or guardian (where applicable) to assist them with the management of your nutrition regimen.

We also provide access to a limited number of Flavour Creations At Home personnel (on a need to know basis only). As part of the Program, we will disclose your personal information to third party distributors and government agencies (such as NDIS) for the sole purpose of administering the Program, arranging payment and the delivery of products to you or your nominated carer. Please refer to the privacy policy of your assigned distributor to understand how they will hold your information.

We may, from time to time, need to disclose personal information where we believe it is necessary to comply with a legal requirement or law. If there is a change of control in our business (for example a sale of the business) your personal information could be disclosed to a potential purchaser under a confidentiality agreement.

We may use and disclose your personal information for other purposes explained at the time of collection with your consent. We will only collect your sensitive health information with your consent or where we are authorised to do so by privacy legislation.

Direct Marketing Communications

You give your consent to us using your personal information to provide you with information and to tell you about things which we consider may be of interest to you, including by post, email, SMS, messaging applications and telephone (Direct Marketing Communications).

If at any time you do not wish to receive any further Direct Marketing Communications you may do this at any time by using the “unsubscribe” facility included in the Direct Marketing Communication or by contacting us at the details set out at the end of this document.

If you opt-out of receiving our Direct Marketing Communications, we may still contact you in relation to our ongoing relationship with you in respect of the Flavour Creations at Home Program.

We will never provide your information to third parties for marketing purposes without receiving your consent.

How can you access or seek correction of your personal information?

Please let us know if there are any errors in your personal information and keep us up-to-date with changes to your personal information (such as your name or address). You can request access to any personal information relating to you which we hold. You can also request that we correct information if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Please contact us via the details set out at the end of this document if you wish to access or correct any personal information we have about you.

What if you have a complaint?

You may contact us at any time if you have any questions or concerns about this Collection Notice or about the way in which your personal information has been handled using the contact details at the end of this document.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner can be contacted by telephone on 1300 363 992 or by using the contact details on the website

How can you contact us?

If you have any queries or concerns about this information statement or the way we handle your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer at:

Street address: 26-32 Murdoch Circuit, Acacia Ridge, Qld, 4110
Email address:
Telephone: +61 7 3373 3000